Friday, 10 January 2014

Malory Towers by Enid Blyton

Enid Blyton books are easy to understand and have nice simple vocabulary so if you find reading difficult then these are great to get you started. There are a lot of other books similar to Malory towers for example: Chalet School by Elinor M. Brent- Dyer and St. Claire's also by Enid Blyton. All of these novels are easy reads and are great to read in between reading harder books.  Another reason these are so good to have around is because they can be read in any order which means you don't have to wait until you have all of them to read them, you could pick them up in a charity shop or the library.

Out of all of these Chalet School is probably my favourite because a lot more happens. Unlike any of the other schools the Chalet School is a boarding school up on a mountain and instead of other 'normal' subjects they do things like skiing, ice skating and long walks in the snow. Of course all the schools have their accidents, quarrels and pranks but I think overall Chalet school is the more interesting story.

Enid Blyton has written a lot of mystery, fantasy and action books but she is just as good at writing about a nice settled school. Malory towers has its thieves, bullies and invalideds but this doesn't stop the girls from having fun. Jokes are extremely popular and Alicia, the clown, is always playing new pranks. Midnight feasts occur regularly and a midnight swim seems a good idea, until it ends in complete disaster. St Claire's is very  similar to Malory towers so I don't think I need to say much about it except, watch out for the twins!

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